Author Biography
Burcu Dogramaci, born in Ankara, is Professor of Art History of 20th century and contemporary art at the LMU Munich. She earned her doctorate in 2000 and completed her habilitation in art history at the University of Hamburg in 2007 with a thesis on German-speaking architects and sculptors in Turkey after 1927. She received the fellowship of the Aby M. Warburg Prize (2006), was awarded the Kurt-Hartwig-Siemers Research Prize (2008) and the Teaching Prize by the Bavarian State Ministry (2014). She leads the ERC Consolidator Project, “Relocating Modernism: Global Metropolises, Modern Art and Exile (METROMOD)” (2017–2023). Her research areas are: exile, migration and flight, art, urbanity and architecture, photography, textile modernism, live art.